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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 19th April 2024

It was so lovely to welcome back the children this week! It was nice hearing how everyone had spent their break. This week we started our topic of Amazing animals and the children put their learning from the school trip to good use when we discussed farms. In our topic lessons we learned about different types of farm arable and pastural. We thought about the animals that would live on a pastural farm and the types of crops that would be grown on an arable farm. In the children's play they have enjoyed creating farms and talking about the needs of the different animals. 

In our English lessons this week, the children were challenged to write about their Easter break. Then we read the story 'What the ladybird heard' which is one of our favourite books. The children wrote about the noises that the animals made and even mixed these up and wrote some silly sentences such as 'The dog went moo!' We made maps of the farm to confuse Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh (the villains) as well as redesigned the farm using the wooden blocks and farm animals. The children especially enjoyed pretending to be police officers at the end of the week in our role-play area arresting Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh for attempting to steal the prize cow. 

We have started to teach the children a poem a week and on Friday they performed the poem 'pigs' watch the video below to see their performance. 



We have been focusing on counting in our maths sessions this week. We recapped on how we count reliably such as lining up objects and touching each one as you count. We also thought about what to do when the objects couldn't me moved. The children had the opportunity to create their own collections of numbers up to 20. It was great to see the children implement the strategies that they had been learning. 

In our creative area this week the children have enjoyed working with paper to create paper sculptures. The children have been investigating with techniques such as rolling, folding, and cutting paper. It has been a little tricky but the children really persevered to learn these new techniques. 

Kangaroos Term 5 Week 1

Have a lovely weekend and don't forget if you would like to support your child's phonic knowledge to check out the books on Oxford Owl or to visit the RWI blog:


Upcoming events

23rd April - Bag to school collection

24th April - Reception Trip

16th May -Class photo

17th May - Raffle

22nd May - Sports Day

24th May - Non- uniform day + £1 donation

24th May  - End of term 5