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Friday 18th October

It has been another busy week in Bumblebee Class.  Not only have we been busy with our work in class but we have also been busy working on our social skills and self-regulation skills.  We have worked together in pairs to rescue the bumblebees stuck in jelly, have helped each other to put picture puzzles back together and have thought about different ways we can help ourselves to calm when we are feeling sad, frustrated or angry.

In English, we have been reading 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson.  We have discussed how the text rhymes and have looked at rhyming words.  We have also been looking for nouns and using adjectives to describe the nouns.

In our maths lessons, we have been learning how to find a missing number in an addition or subtraction calculation.  We have used part-whole models and first, then, now stories to help us.  We have also been trying to find the difference between two numbers by comparing them directly.

In science, we have been looking at humans.  We had great fun on Monday labelling different parts of our bodies and have investigated our five senses of hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.  At the end of the week, we took some time to share what we had learnt about animals - Mrs Watts was very impressed by all the facts we had remembered.

Please take a look at the photos below.  Have a lovely weekend!


Next week:

Monday 21st October - Harvest festival at the church. 

Wednesday 23rd October - Parent celebration event

Wednesday 23rd October - Last day of term 1