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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Wallabies Term 1 week 7


Friday 18th

A fantastic penultimate week in Wallaby class! We cannot believe we have almost made it to the end of term 1…..

Children have demonstrated a great understanding in maths this week where they have been subitising numbers. They were introduced to ‘5 frames’ and practised making numbers up to 5 using different counting objects. We have continued thinking about people who help us and the children created their own paintings of what they want to be when they grow up. They look amazing and are hung up in the classroom ready for parents to see at the parent event next week. The children were lucky enough to have Little City come in (a pop up role play) and give them the opportunity to role play many different jobs such as police, postal worker, hair dresser, shop assistant, mechanic, vet and construction worker. They loved it!

The children have had another successful week in phonics learning the sounds; v, w, y, z and x and working on their letter formation. Don’t forget to practise the sounds using the phonics packs they came home at parents evening. The children are showing such a great attitude towards their learning and all of them are giving it their best effort.

In topic we looked places that are special and for ‘Faraway Friday’ we travelled to Poland to explore how it is different to where we live. We used Google maps to see where Poland is in comparison to us and thought about how we might get there. Children had a go at making their own Polish flags, counting 1-10, learning hello and goodbye and even got to sample some traditional polish food. I wonder where our next Faraway Friday will take us?

Don’t forget on Wednesday we are hosting a parent celebration event where parents / carers can come in from 14:30 and enjoy some arts and crafts with the children. Please make your way to the classroom as normal, we look forward to seeing you then 😊 Have a wonderful weekend.