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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 17th January 2025

‘Run run as fast you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!!!’ Well… Wallabies certainly realised how quick the gingerbread men were this Friday where they came back after lunch to find the gingerbread men they had prepared that morning had made a run for it! They witnessed this footage on screen and could not believe their eyes…. They were escaping from the oven in our role play area! Those cheeky gingerbread men! The children got to work quickly to come up with a plan on how they were going to trap they gingerbread men. Some of the traps constructed were amazing. After searching tirelessly for the escapees, they continued their search around the school grounds. Upon their return, the children were totally shocked to find all 14 gingerbread men trapped in the class trap. It is safe to say that the Wallabies quickly scoffed their gingerbread men before they made another run for it.

It has been a fun packed week with lots of lovely work being carried out around the story. Wallaby class kick started the week with a dance workshop where they learnt a gingerbread man dance. In drawing club they have drawn characters, a setting and a trap for the gingerbread man and written codes to go with them. The children had some marvellous, innovative ideas and did brilliantly at using their Fred Talk to help them spell words. Children have had opportunities within classroom provision to enjoy the story further by retelling the story using small world characters and stick puppets, creating their own gingerbread man pictures and making their own gingerbread men following a set of instructions. We looked at different versions of the gingerbread man, especially the kitchen that it is baked in and real photos of kitchens through time. We thought about how have they changed and what we have in our kitchens now that they didn’t have in the past.

In maths children have been looking at the number zero and what can represent zero, one fewer and one more than a number and using their subitising skills to see parts of numbers. They worked really hard at representing parts of 5 on a five frame as well as using paint dabbers in different colours to show how 5 can be made up. They were experts at using key sentences such as ‘3 is a part and 2 is a part and the whole is 5’.  Children have also been working on scissor skills to cut straight and curved lines and created a jelly fish using these cutting techniques.

Well done on another successful week wonderful Wallabies.



Wallabies term 3 week 2