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Friday 17th January

We have had a lovely week in Bumblebee Class looking at our new topic all about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities.  We went on a tour of England and Scotland and had a look at some of the key landmarks for these countries.   We also found out about how the flag of the UK came about and identified the national flowers for these countries. Next week we will be looking at Wales and Northern Ireland.

In our music lesson we have been busy making our own instruments.  The children used recycled materials, rice, lentils and elastic bands to make their own shakers and guitars.  They then decorated these ready to use in our music lesson next week.

In maths, we have been adding and subtracting using Base 10, dinosaurs, big blocks and counting bears to help us.  We have been adding and subtracting to a 10 and looking for patterns in these calculations.

Next week:

PE will take place as usual on Thursday and Friday.