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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 15th November

The Bumblebees have been busy this week completing their firework poems.  On Monday the children used a variety of adjectives to describe fireworks.  They then worked collaboratively to create a fireworks poem which they then decorated.

In maths, the children have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones.  They have made a variety of 2-digit numbers using Base 10 apparatus and have used their practical work to help them draw the number.  Towards the end of the week the children have been looking at were these number sit on a number line and have been estimating where a number sits on a blank number line.

On Monday, we celebrated Remembrance Day.  The children listened the story 'Where the Poppies Now Grow' and then made their own poppies to celebrate the day.  These look fantastic and are now up on in display in our classroom.

We also started a new topic this week, looking at the famous Victorian engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.  We discovered that he designed and built lots of structures in our local area, including the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Box Tunnel and the SS Great Britain, which incredibly, are still around and used today.  

Next week...

Thursday 21st November - trip to SS Great Britain.  Please wear normal uniform and comfortable shoes.  We will be outside at times in the day so children will need to bring a waterproof coat and a backpack to put their lunch in.

PE next week will be on Wednesday 20th and Friday 22nd November