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Friday 13th December

What a busy week it has been!  We  had our special Christmas church service on Thursday at the All Saints Church and put on two performances of our nativity play.  It was so lovely seeing all of the children dressed up in their costumes and joining in singing, dancing and performing in front of their families.  We were very proud of all the children who performed and hope you enjoyed it as much as the children enjoyed performing it!

In class, we have been busy sorting 2D and 3D shapes and using them to make repeating patterns.  We have also been busy designing and making our moving Christmas cards and developing our programming skills using Scratch Jr.  In English, we have been making predictions about our new story 'Ollie's Christmas Reindeer' based on what we have read so far. Next week we will be writing our own endings for the story and then comparing how our stories are different to the original.

Next week:

Wednesday 18th December - Christmas lunch (feel free to wear Christmas jumpers to school)

Thursday 19th December - Break up for the Christmas holidays.