Friday 10th January 2025
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: A Tale of Curiosity and Consequences
It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week and hear all about their Christmas break. The children enjoyed talking about all their wonderful gifts and time spent with their family.
This week we started Drawing Club and our focus text was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. In drawing club the children learn new vocabulary and add actions to help them understand the meaning of the words. This week we had slumber, demolish, piping hot, cramped, uneven, perfect, dashed and guzzle. The children then draw a picture linked to a character, setting or adventure. The last stage of Drawing club is to add a code. The code then makes something happen. For example on our adventure day, the children drew a map of the woods and the code was tap the map. When the bears tapped the map it would show them where Goldilocks was hiding. The children have created some amazing pictures and codes. At the end of the week, I asked the children to tell me the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears without my help and they were amazing! They used different voices for each of the bears and could recall different phrases from the story. Throughout the week the children have had the opportunity to retell the story using masks, costumes and puppets.
In our maths learning this week, we looked at 'mass' and compared the mass of different objects. The children found different items from around the classroom and predicted which would be heavier or lighter. When we put the items into the balance scales the children watched to see which was heavier or lighter. We introduced the children to the word balanced and showed them how to balance the scales using cubes to measure the mass of an object. At the end of the week we explored capacity. The children have been filling containers with different objects and ordering these by which holds the most to the least.
In our topic sessions this week the children had the opportunity to make porridge. We explored what happened to the oats at different stages of making the porridge. When the porridge was made the children had the chance to taste it and say whether they liked it or not.
In our Knowledge and Understanding of the World sessions, we looked at different versions of the story. The children were challenged to find the differences and similarities between an older version of the tale and a new one. The children then used their skills to chronologically sequence the events from the story.
The children have also practiced their cutting skills to cut both straight and wavy lines. All the children really persisted and did a great job of cutting the paper.
The cold, frost and ice have proved fascinating for the children and they have had fun exploring the outdoor area.
Please can you send your child with wellies for break times as we are using the trim trail and slippers for when they are inside.
Upcoming events:
7th February 2025 - Non-uniform day and £1 donation
11th February 2025 - YR Health Screening
13th February 2025 - Funny Photo Competitions entries are due in
13th February 2025 - End of Term 3