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Flying Through the Weeks

The week has absolutely flown by and we have continued to have great fun in Giraffe Class.

In our English lessons we have begun to look at the habitats that penguins live in and how they survive in the cold. We have learnt loads of great facts and even acted out the story. We now know that the male sits on the egg for 2 months! When the baby is born the mum feeds it by being sick! YUCK!!

In Maths we have been looking at more and less as well as lots of word problems to help us consolidate all of our skills. Our independence in maths is growing and we are all beginning to see connections. Some of our Year 2 children are getting quite frustrated having to explain HOW they have found the answers.

In Science we have looked at our basic needs and what happens to our bodies when we exercise. The children took part in a simple test to see how different exercise affects us. It was great fun! As part of our music we have been learning to sing songs and made our own musical instruments. I’m sure you all enjoyed them coming home!!

Next week the children go on their next school trip to Bristol Aquarium. They will need full school uniform with comfortable shoes and a small backpack to carry their lunch. All children will be provided with a school pack lunch but you may wish to provide your own. We will leave and return within school time.

Just a reminder that PE kit is needed on a Wednesday and Friday.

Please check out the RWI blog to support your child with their reading at home.

Mrs Watts will be in Giraffe Class on Friday next week.

Have a great weekend.


