Fish sitters!
Doesn’t it make such a difference when the sun shines! It has made everyone more cheerful than usual! This week Giraffe class have welcome 4 new fish to the class. We are looking after them and have to make sure we feed them each morning.
This week we have continued with our wonderful story ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ looking at the adventures of Funni and Zoo. WE have written an alternative ending to our stories using such lovely descriptive language using our similes and adjectives.
As part of our Maths we have continued looking at multiplication and division and the relationship between our 2, 5 and 10 times table. The children have worked really well through the small steps and really deepened their understanding of how to find answers.
In PE we have been outside consolidating our ball skills and becoming attackers and defenders making up small games.
The highlight of the week has to be learning how to use powder paints recognising primary colours then mixing them together to make secondary colours. We didn’t need much paint at all! We are now experimenting making our own pictures inspired by Georgia O’Keefe.
It was great to dress up as a word for World Book Day. There were some fantastic ideas!
Next week….
Mrs Hughes on Friday
PE kit Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday – Library