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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

December 13th

Wallaby Class has been feeling very Christmassy this week.  The children have loved playing in our Christmas role play, wrapping presents and playing with the Post Office, writing their own secret messages.  In message Centre this week, we listened to the story The Jolly Christmas Postman and the children loved writing their own messages and symbols to the post man.

We have also been very busy practicing our Christmas Play ‘I Spy Christmas’.  We have been so proud of the way the children have learnt all their songs and practiced on the stage! We are really looking forward to performing our play to you next week. We have also been busy making our Christmas cards ready to sell after the Christmas performance on Thursday.

In maths this week, we have been learning the difference between a rectangle and a square.  We then had to find these shapes in our environment and explain why it was each shape. 


Please don’t forget to look in our child’s reading record and practice reading and watching the QR codes as well.  It really does make a difference to your child’s learning.

Next week

Our two performances are Tuesday @9:30 am with children and Thursday at 2pm adults only.