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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

DT Levers

It has been a wonderful start to December. The kindness elves have arrived in class and have been keeping an eye on us ready to report back to the North Pole.

On Tuesday we had a super time at the pantomime and really enjoyed joining in with the singing and dancing and helping Sleeping Beauty.

During our Maths lessons we have continued looking at shape. We have been investigating lines of symmetry and the make up of 3D shapes by recognising the 2D shapes that can be found on their faces.

We have begun our DT topic looking at levers and joins. We have been investigating the best material to make a Christmas card and making levers, pivot join and hinge joins. 

We will be performing ‘It’s a Baby’ next week. ALL COSTUMES TO BE IN SCHOOL ON MONDAY. The children will be performing on Thursday 12th at 9.30 where children are welcome and on Friday 13th at 2.00, adults only followed by the craft fair.

Next week…

PE – Wednesday

Mrs Hughes – Friday

CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCE – Thursday @ 9.30 and Friday @ 2.00