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Culinary delights!

It’s hard to believe we are just one week away from the end of Term 3 and half way through the school year.  Our gem pot is again full, so next week the children will have extra playtime as their reward! The Meerkats are a fantastically kind bunch of children and it is so lovely to hear reports from other members of staff who also notice their kindness and general helpful ways – keep it up marvellous Meerkats!

As you have probably heard it was all about DT in Meerkats Class this week.  The children were amazing, working as a team to produce a delicious and scrumptious fruit salad.  First, they planned what they wanted to put into their salad before preparing all the fruits from which they then, in a buffet style, chose what they wanted to eat.  The children carefully cut, sliced and chopped the different fruits and created a tasty rainbow fruit salad.  We spoke about the importance of fruit and vegetables in our diet and how a healthy diet helps our bodied grow and stay strong.  Once the children had filled their bowls we sat and enjoyed our tasty snack all together on the carpet.  It has been great watching the children’s confidence grow with using the different utensils and techniques.  Next week we are going to continue practising cutting skills when the children make a savoury salad, which they excitedly planned today. 

Inspired by ‘A walk in London’ by Salvatore Rubbino, the children finished their non-chronological reports today.  The Meerkats have really embraced learning all about our capital city and have produced informative reports with lots of interesting facts.  It was great to hear the children sharing ideas about the things they have found most interesting before including them in a ‘Did you know…’ fact box.  It appears that the London Eye and the whispering gallery of St Paul’s cathedral have gripped their interest!

Music is still a favourite lesson for the musical Meerkats and this week we explored pitch. We practised singing high and low and joined in with a concert by Yolanda Brown from Cbeebies.  You can follow the link to share at home https://www.yolandabrown.co.uk/jointhejam

 It was a cold a frosty week but luckily dry so we were able to be outside for PE.  The children have been working on their target practise this term and they have certainly perfected their technique and skills.  We finished the session with a game of bean bag noughts and crosses.

Next week we have our parent celebration event in class at 2.30pm.  We will be playing games and it will be lovely if you can join us.  There is also a maths workshop, run by Mrs Channon, prior to the class event.  The maths workshop is at 2pm in the school hall. If you would like to attend the maths workshop, please confirm attendance via the link on this week’s school newsletter.

BOOK AUDIT REMINDER - Please check at home this weekend for any school books; book bag reading books and library books.  Please return all books on Monday 10th February. Many thanks!

Next week, I will be in class all week with our wonderful TA, Miss Smith.

Wishing you all a cosy and warm weekend.

Mrs Jeffery and Miss Smith

Class email - class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk