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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Busy Zebras

What a wonderful week we have had! It has been wonderful getting to know the children and getting into the swing of things at school. We have been thinking a lot about Zebras this week and writing facts about them. We hope you enjoy looking at some of our writing about them.

Next week we look forward to showing you our classroom on Wednesday, we hope you can make it. 3.15 - 4.15.

Just a reminder that our P.E days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please can the children come dressed in their P.E kit and daps.

As we are a job share Mrs Rockey will be in on Monday and Tuesdays and Mrs Channon will be in the rest of the week. Mrs Watts will be covering PPA time every other Wednesday morning.

The children have all settled so well and are learning the new routines. If you have any questions please do come and see us.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Channon

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