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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Busy Weeks in Panda's - week 3

This week in Panda Class we have been very busy!  In Math's we have been consolidating money.  The year 1 children have been familiarizing themselves with coins and notes and the year 2’s have been giving change from £1.

We have finished our fantastic history topic on Cars.  This week, we have watched a video of Henry Ford and his assembly line.  The children had to create their own assembly lines and make cars out of clay, cheerios and cocktail sticks.  It was great fun!

In English, the children have been writing fantastic Adventure stories based on the story Mrs Armitage on Wheels.  They created their own characters and vehicles and of course something had to go wrong!

In music, the children have been learning to play the Ocarina.  I’m sure the children have told you all about them.  It won’t be long before we can all play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! I have been so impressed with how quickly they have learnt the different notes.

In Lifeskills, we have been learning about having resilience and that it is okay to make mistakes.  The children had to draw a line on a whiteboard which we called 'the oops'.  They then had to change their mistake and create a picture.  It was amazing to see how creative the children were. 

Please remember to bring sun hats to school each day during this warm weather and apply suncream before school.

 Have a lovely weekend!

 Mrs Bayley. Mrs Kerbey and Mrs Aireys