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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Arty Meerkats!

Special news to share, Mrs Allen has had a baby boy – the children have seen some gorgeous pictures that Mrs Allen kindly shared with us and we all agree that he’s just adorable – a big Meerkat welcome to Baby Allen. 

Welcome back to Term 4.  The children have arrived back well rested, full of enthusiasm and have jumped right back into learning with both feet – you can definitely tell spring is in the air!  

In English, we have shared a beautiful book this week about a little girl called Funni who creates a colourful and inspiring garden in an abandoned airport car park.  The children have used the story to practice sequencing a story, verbally composing sentences in the present and past with finger puppets before writing fabulous sentences as well as identifing adjectives to describe Funni.

Here’s the link so you can share it at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTNidZAxsfE

The children have used their knowledge of grouping and sharing to double and halve amounts in maths this week and to divide and multiply by 2.  The children love a game of 2x, 5x and 10x tennis – ask then and they’ll show you.  On the maths note, thank you to all the parents and adults who joined the maths workshop and joined us in class on the last day of term to play maths games.  Your support is really appreciated and we hope you had fun.

Georgia O’Keefe is our inspiration in Art this term and already the children are enthusiastically practicing new skills and talents.  We went on a nature walk to find inspiration in our environment just like Georgia O’Keefe did.  We then practiced sketching leaves and buds.  The children showed great resilience knowing that this is a skill to practice and as the pictures show, their attention to detail was very impressive.  In preparation for our final piece we identified the 3 primary colours and used powder paints to make the three colours before mixing them to create secondary colours. The children really did enjoy the sketching whilst listening to music so please do encourage this skill at home.

PE days remain Monday and Friday.  Please can children wear their kit into school on these days.  On Mondays, our lesson is outside so if you child wears wellies to school, please provide a pair of shoes or daps so that they can fully participate in the lesson. Thank you.

The children all chose a free book(s) to take home this week and we hope you enjoy sharing them.  Just a reminder, we will continue to visit the library every Tuesday so please return library books on Tuesdays so your child can choose a new lending book to share at home with you.  Also, book bag books are changed every Friday but children should be bringing their book in daily as we are fortunate to have volunteers in with our class to hear readers twice a week. Thank you 😊

Next week, I will be in class Monday - Thursday, Mrs Rous will be teaching Meerkats on Friday.  Our wonderful TA, Miss Smith will be in with the Meerkats all week.

Have a wonderful weekend – the sun is due to shine!

Mrs Jeffery and Miss Smith.

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk