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Arty Leopards!

The children have settled back into term 4 amazingly and have shown a great attitude to get stuck straight into their learning!

A new term means a new topic! In art, we are looking at an American artist- Georgia O'Keeffe. She was known for her oil painting, usually of nature and flowers. This week we commented on her pieces of art and had a go at drawing them, looking carefully at the colours she chose. Then, the children practised sketching and shading. They picked a leaf from outside that inspired them and they got drawing! Finally, we were introduced to powder paints, when we use them, we have to dunk, dab, dip, mix and paint. We used the primary colours and mixed them to find the secondary colours. Leopard class are so arty- it was great to see so many smiles and resilient learners during our lessons!

In maths, we have continued with multiplication and division. The children have been using their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and doubling and halving. Today, they identified even and odd numbers. 

During our English lessons we have begun looking at a new book ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. We have used what we know to make some great predictions about what we think will happen in the story. You can listen to the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNZ5TgoK4wI. Then, the children used full sentences to retell the events of the book and practised using the present and past tense to say what Funni did in the story.

We are looking at 'moving a robot' in computing. This meant that the children explored the Bee-Bots this week, thinking about what each button does and how it follows instructions to move.

We are also very lucky to welcome Mr R to Leopard Class! He will be working with us until June.


We hope the sun continues to shine!

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



  • Monday 3rd- Cake sale
  • Thursday 6th- World Book Day- come in dressed up as a word
  • Miss McMillan will be in all week.