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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

15th November 2024

Read, Write, Inc:

Some children will have started to bring home a blending book or ditty sheet to show off their reading skills along with a 'Reading Record'. This record is for you to keep track of how often your child reads at home. Please continue to use the class email for any urgent queries or see a member of staff on the door. All children should be continuing to use the sound cards given out at the parent consultation evenings. By Christmas we would like them to know all the Set 1 single letter sounds at speed.


Monday 18th: PE day - please remember to wear PE kit!

Tuesday 19th: Trip to Moors Valley - 4pm return. Children to wear their own clothes and footwear suitable for the weather conditions and climbing on wooden equipment. If they require travel sickness medication, please fill out a form at the office.