10th January 2025
The children have enjoyed listening to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have also looked at an older version of the story and discussed the differences and similarities with the modern version. The children have also greatly improved their sequencing skills. As part of Drawing Club, the children are introduced to some new vocabulary and have already started using this during the day. Hopefully you will hear them using 'slumber, piping hot, perfect, guzzle, dashed, uneven, cramped and demolish. It would be great if they can spot you using this as well!
If you haven't already, it would be lovely if the children could bring in a pair of wellies. We use the Trim Trail most days and wellies will help keep their feet dry and warm. The children are also encouraged to wear slippers when in class. We do have some spare wellies on the rack outside the classroom if you would like to measure up a pair for your child.
It would also be very helpful if all the children bring in a book bag every day and especially on a Friday as this is our 'book change' day. Please can you ensure that school books are returned on this day. The children have been reassessed and new groups for Read, Write, Inc will start on Monday.
We have a display in the hall for photos that celebrate achievements by the children in activities completed outside of school. Please email any photos to: Class8@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk
Upcoming Dates:
Monday 13th: Dance Workshop
Wednesday 15th: Mrs Hughes in class
7th February: Non-Uniform day
11th February: YR Health Screening