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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


“It’s behind you!...”

This week the children were lucky enough to go on a whole school trip to watch the panto sleeping beauty. They had the best time and made us all very proud, well done Wallabies. It has been a busy week with nativity practise and lots of singing, which the children are loving. They have done so well learning the songs! Santa’s workshop has arrived in Wallaby class and the children have been wrapping presents, writing labels, filling sacks with presents and writing letters to Santa. They have been enjoying other Christmas crafts such as cutting their favourite toys from a catalogue and sticking them on a stocking, creating Christmas lights with paint dabbers and building sleighs for Santa and his elves in the construction area.

Sleeping Beauty Panto 2024


This week we have read the story Stickman by Julia Donaldson. We looked at the time of year this story took place, how the characters feel and what Stickman saw on his journey back to his home. Children came up with their own symbols for run, swim, sing, sleep, travel and fire. We collected sticks and the children had a go at making their own stickman using stick on eyes, leaves and sticks. In maths we have been working on finding two numbers that add together to make 5. We sang the song 5 little speckled frogs and looked at how many frogs were on the log and in the pond. We introduced the concept of parts of a number e.g. 3 is a part, 2 is a part and the whole is 5. We worked on this further by throwing 5 beanbags into a hoop and seeing how many landed inside and how many landed outside. Children were amazing at identifying the parts to make the whole; 5.

Another wonderful week in Wallabies!


wallabies term 2 week 5