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Wallabies term 5 week 2


Friday 26th

A great week continuing out theme of amazing animals where the children have enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs in English this week. They had to solve the clues around the classroom to work out which story we were working on and were great at joining in with phrases from the story. In writing, they had to come up with and write a message to warn somebody that the Big Bad Wolf was on his way. They have enjoyed themed activities including retelling the story with puppets, making characters out of play doh, constructing houses and creating a map of the pigs journey.

In maths this week children have continued to develop their subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting). Some arrangements are easier to subitise than others – e.g. a set of 6 dots arranged in a structured die pattern that exposes the double-3 pattern is easier to recognise than a random arrangement of 6 dots. A key focus this week is to use the children’s developing understanding of doubles to support their subitising skills. Another key focus this week is the ongoing development of visualising skills: encouraging the children to look carefully at structured arrangements, such as those shown on dice and 10-frames, and then to close their eyes and explain what they see.


This week the children had an amazing time on their trip at The Wild Place, where they got to meet many different animals. A few which some children have never seen before, so this was really exciting! They were able to look at the different habitats for the animals as well as think about what they eat and the different sounds they might make. This linked nicely with our topic this week where we thought about how we care for animals and how they need food and shelter to be cared for properly. They thought about the similarities and differences between animals and considered where our food comes from, including milk and eggs.

Another successful, busy week learning about our new topic. Well done Wallabies!